Nosh Ellon

Indian food in Ellon

We offer Pick-up and Food Delivery


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About Nosh Ellon

Welcome to Nosh Ellon. We are dedicated to providing you with the finest Indian cuisine, freshly prepared and served with care and attention.

Our menu features a wide selection of traditional and modern Indian dishes, from classic curries to innovative fusion dishes. All of our dishes are cooked with fresh, locally sourced ingredients, and we offer both Delivery and Pick up options. Whether you are looking for a quick bite or a full meal, we have something for everyone.

Our menu features a variety of classic Indian dishes, from tandoori chicken and lamb biryani to tikka masala and naan.. So come and enjoy the authentic flavors of India at Nosh Ellon!

Opening hours

Thursday - Sunday
16:30 - 22:00

Food delivery in Ellon

Looking for food delivery in Ellon? Not everybody knows or has the time to prepare tasty food.

When you want to get served like a king then food delivery from Nosh Ellon will be your best choice.

Simply select "Delivery" at the checkout screen and we hope you'll appreciate our food delivery service.

Delivery fee

Zone 1, Min - £20.00, Fee - £3.00
Zone 2, Min - £20.00, Fee - £4.50
Zone 3, Min - £20.00, Fee - £5.00
Zone 4, Min - £20.00, Fee - £6.00
Zone 5, Min - £20.00, Fee - £8.00
Zone 6, Min - £20.00, Fee - £10.00
Zone 7, Min - £20.00, Fee - £12.00

Food Allergy Notice

We are proud to offer a variety of food options. However, if you have a food allergy, please be aware that our products may contain peanuts, tree nuts, soy, dairy, eggs, wheat, shellfish, and fish.
and other food allergens. Please be sure to ask about any of these ingredients before ordering. We want to ensure that you have a safe and enjoyable experience with us! Thank you.

Social media

Facebook link for Nosh Ellon

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